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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Gastronomic Musings : Jeffrey Steingarten and my food phobias

I took two years of latin. I will never go to Vatican (as far as I know) so I can't use it there. It does help me with some science taxonomies but not much more. But it does help for certain words and derivations.

"Phobia" means "fear". One student in a class recently, after I told her that the word "spelunking" means " caving or one who does caving and goes underground as " speleo" means "underground ". Still she thought it was funny but phobias are anything but that for many. There are many people who have phobios like black cats, breaking a mirror and many others. Also there are food photobias.

Frequent judge on Food Channel’s Iron chef, JEFFREY STEINGARTEN, wrote “ My Food Phobias” at


Unlike Mr. Steingarten, I like anchovy greek food, manu chutneys, kimchi, swordfish, cranberries, okra , refried beans and coffee ice cream (my wife doesn’t like anything coffee) and yogurt.
So I thought I would write about some of mine and if any of you want, you can chime in about yours.

My Food Phobias - Eric Flescher
(1) Foods I wouldn't touch even if I were starving on a desert island

There is not much as I can at least try something. I can’t try oysters.. In my first married life, I was given a raw oyster in Michigan someplace. Well I guess it either hit me wrong or something but I will sick the whole weekend.
(2) Foods I wouldn't touch even if I were starving on a desert island until absolutely everything else runs out:

Ham. We don’t eat this in our house but I won’t even touch it when we go no matter what. If its on a buffet too, I don’t touch it. Jumping Catfish (in Kansas City area) has little flecks of it in their beans. I don't pork either but I have to sample it it Barbecue cookoffs (like the ribs). In Austria, I tried blood sausage and it was really gross. Just the sound of that word still makes me cringe.
(3) Foods I might eat if I were starving on a desert island

Maybe you are “ in this boat with me”. I don’t eat pralines. I like the nut and pralines don’t sound good. I just don’t eat them if they are in ice cream or anything else. I have tried them in ice cream and elsewhere. I like them but for some reason I don’t want to eat them.

If you have yours post them. I have tried to make this site more user friendly to post yours so if you have trouble, contact me.

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